Course Description
Medically important protozoa; Classification, morphology, stages; Species identification; Life cycle; Laboratory diagnosis; Epidemiology; Mode of transmission; Clinical symptoms; Prevention
Course Objectives
1.Beknowledgeableinthecontentsof medically important protozoa both theoretically and practically and be able to analyze and apply diagnostic techniques in exploring the knowledge related to medically important protozoa.
2.Possessacademicandprofessionalethics;beabletodiagnosethemedically important protozoa with moral and ethical principles and reasoning
Course-level Learning Outcomes: CLOs
At the end of the course, the students should be able to
CLO1:Describe morphology, biology, epidemiology, diagnosisand prevention of all medically important protozoa
CLO2:Practice the laboratory diagnostic methods of medicallyimportant protozoa
CLO3:Differentiate among all medically important protozoa using the laboratory diagnostic methods and scenario case study examples
CLO4: Selectthe laboratory methods for diagnosis of all medically important protozoaCLO5:Perform the laboratory diagnosis with ethical manner