Course Description
Medically important helminthes; Classification, morphology, life cycle, ecology, epidemiology, pathogenesis and pathology; Clinical manifestations; Laboratory diagnosis; Treatment; Prevention and control
Course Objectives
· describe biology, systematic and taxonomy, ecology, epidemiology, pathology, clinical manifestation, treatment, prevention and control of helminths in medical importance
· compare morphology and life cycle of helminths in medical importance
· apply knowledge in topics of medical helminthology for diagnosis
· collaborate in group and effectively communicate their understanding about medical helminthology
Course-level Learning Outcomes:
CLO1: describe knowledge in topics of medical helminthology
CLO2: compare morphology and life cycle of helminth in medical importance
CLO3: apply knowledge in topics of medical helminthology for diagnosis
CLO4: collaborate in group as either leader or follower to complete an assignment
CLO5: communicate their understanding about medical helminthology