1. Mortality Rate: Mortality rate is the ratio of deaths and number of individuals in a given population in a specified period of time
2. Mortality rate = # of deaths in a given time period/size of population in which death occurred (middle of time period often used). this number is often multiple by 1000 to report #deaths per 1000 person years
3. There are multiple measures of mortality (all-cause martality, maternal mortality, infant mortality, etc) and the mortality rate are used to express the risk of dying of a certain disease
1. The case-fatality rate is the proportion of persons with a particular condition (cases) who die from that condition
2. Case fatality Rate = (Number of cause specific deaths among the incidence cases/total number of incidence cases) x 1000 (or 100,000)
3. Case fatality allows us to determine disease severity
1. Age-specific mortality rate is a mortality rate limited to a particular age group
2. Age specific mortality rate = number of deaths in that age group/number of persons in that age group in the population
3. Examples of age specific mortality include neonatal, postneonatal, and infant mortality rates
1. Maternal mortality rate is a mortality rate deaths due to measures complications from pregnancy or childbirth.
2. Maternal mortality rate = number of deaths during given time period among woman while pregnant (or within 42 hours of termination of pregnancy/number of live births reported during the same time period. Usually expressed per 100,000 live births
3. The maternal mortality rate is really a ratio used to measure mortality associated with pregnancy
1. Infant mortality rate is a mortality rate that reflects the reflects the health status of a community (typically of nation) becuase it reflects health of the mother and infant during pregnancy and the year thereafter
2. Infant mortality rate = number of deaths among infants <1 year of age reported during a given time period/number of reported live births during the same time period
3. This mortality rate is often used when comparing health between nations as it reflects the health of the mother and baby during pregnancy and one year after pregnancy. It reflects multiple factors, including access to prenatal care, maternal health behaviors, postnatal care, sanitation, etc.
1. Neonatal mortality rate is a mortality rate that measures death in children less than 28 days
2. Neonatal mortality rate = number of deaths among children under 28 days of age during a given time period/number of live births reported during the same time period