TMEN513 Lab exam: Cockroaches and bugs
Oranit Deesitthivech ID:6436419
Question1: Please describe how you identify the cockroaches (selecting at least two species)
We can use morphology characteristics to identify the cockroaches 1. look at the size 2. look at the tip of cerci(for American cockroach) 3. look at the color or color band on the body, wings or head.
Common cockroach species can found in Thailand and worldwide is Periplaneta americana. Morphology of adult cockroaches are flattened insect from top to bottom, large sized(3.5-4 cm.), reddish brown, wings cover abdomen and the last segment of cercus twice as long as wide. Male cockroach Male cockroaches more slender body than female and have a pair of styli (stylus) between the cerci but female not have these. And another group is the small cockroaches such as Supella longipalpa(Brown-band cockroaches) are small size around 1-1.4cm. have 2 light-color band (yellow and brown) across wings and abdomen. For male wings longer than abdomen but female wings shorter than abdomen.
Question2: What is the difference between genus Triatoma and Rhodnius?
Genus Triatoma and Rhodnius are Triatomine bugs(kissing bug) they are under family Reduviidae. Triatomine bugs is vector of Trypanosoma cruzi(Chagas’s disease). Morphology of Triatoma and Rhodnius very quit similar they are have front wings hemelytra(thick at base and membranous at tip), piercing sucking mouthpart with straight proboscis. But the difference between genus Triatoma and Rhodnius is position of antennae for Triatoma spp. arise form sides of the head at the middle between eyes and the tip but for Rhodnius spp. arise form sides of the head at the anterior end.