Dear Oranit,
Good start for our discussion.
in Routine works; please more explain in details what is the objectives and plans based on situation. Do not mention only “what, where, when(how long), why, do you want to do? Because of all of these must have under money to manage. You might to think the important, appropriate and worthiness that want to do.
– Planning
-What do you do in the field and laboratory.
-How to get the data
-How to analysis
-How to conclusion and interpretation the result
-How to monitoring and control in the long term”
Please give the schedule plan exactly what where when and how frequency you plan to take the action.
for #2 again, please explain in detail what activities will be done.
what method you will select. don’t mention over all as I gave in slide. You have to make decision why you select this period or method and how to analyze data and records?
### please do not all detail in slide to answer but try to analyses and criticize what the best one you select? and why?
See you can feel free to discuss……..