I’m Oranit Deesitthivech ID:6436419
1. Routine work of vector surveillance for malaria
The objective of vector surveillance for malaria to surveillance, monitoring and planning control program for evaluate early warning outbreaks of malaria disease and public health problem that area
First, start with planning of work
-What do you do in the field and laboratory: Design the study and select the appropriate design study. Design method for collect samples techniques for adult or/and larva.
-How to get the data: Design the record paper for note the detail of a sample (can tack the data after)
-How to analysis: After get the raw data put it in the excel to easy analysis and look the data
-How to conclusion and interpretation the result: Make the graph help to conclusion that it’s simple to see the trend of data so I can conclude and can know in the next step how can I do for monitoring and controlling.
2. There is the outbreak of malaria in Thai-Myanmar border in Tak province.
Please explain the detail in term of
– Objectives
*To track malaria vector densities (for selection and timing of vector control malaria program)
*To investigation effective and responsive to any threats to a successful control and elimination program.
– Planning (In the detail I think it’s similar in the first question)
*Where is you want to surveillance? (You must to think about that area have problem malaria such as case report, resting place and breeding place of vector, transportation of people)
*What time you want to go?
*What do you do?
*How do you do?
*How do you get the data?
All of these you must to think and good planning before go to the real situation
– For methods I think I will collect samples adult and surveillance larva to see the real problem it’s form where if it’s form of bleeding site maybe easy to control and eliminate.
– Collection techniques for adult I use trapping collection by BG trapping it’s easy to use, low chance bitted by mosquitoes. For larva surveillance only and record the data (where, number of larva) if found that I will suggest to villager or villager head about how do you do for eliminate larva (Both method I will record the data including date, place(coordinates), time, sample, etc.
*And then if I found the sample complete morphology or new thing I will preserving and handling mosquitoes for study in the future about morphology you should do the appropriately method for killing and preserving. Killing method by killing Jars/Bottles and Preserving method by Ethanol (grain or ethyl alcohol) mixed with water (70 to 80 percent alcohol) because the best general killing and preserving agent.
After that get the data put it in the excel to easy analysis or with Microsoft for generate the data. The last step can conclusion and interpretation the result so led to what is planning in the present or the future.
So, I can see the problem and can tell or suggest to villagers How to control/stop the outbreak? By provide education to villagers/traveler, how to protection from mosquitos bite (Wear long-sleeved clothing and long pants, Use a mosquito net, Spray an insecticide or repellent), how to eliminate breeding places.
Thank you for suggest me 🙂