Name : Natnicha Pengsuk ID : 6537496
1. How the mosquito can transmit the pathogen?
After infective stage, the mosquito can transmit the pathogen is the biological transmission way that associate the increase and growth inside the vector’s body. The biological transmission by the mosquito has 3 methods.
(1) The vertical transmission; the pathogen can transmit by mother to their children such as SARS-CoV-2 infection
(2) The horizon transmission or the biting from host one to another two
And the last methods (3) venereal transmission, the pathogen can transmit by the mating from the sexual transmission.
2. What tool and how to determine the malaria transmission?
For determine how the vector can transmit the disease, we use the vectorial capacity parameter:
(1) Abundance
– The data of abundance is performed by graph. The data have number anopheles such as the population, rate of infection.
(2) Host preference and host-feeding patterns and proportion
– The mosquito prefers to bit on the host that occur the disease.
(3) Reproductive capacity (Reproductive rate) and (4) Longevity
– How age of the mosquito, how about the life cycle of the mosquito.
(5) Dispersal or distribution
– Data of the cases occur in the area, where is the breeding place and what is the popular seasons that mosquito come out to biting the host.
(6) Vector competence
– The relationship between susceptible vector and resistant vector, the good competence is susceptible. And the period of the pathogen in the vector is extrinsic incubation period like malaria 14 days.