Course Description
Case studies and current knowledge on health risk assessment from environmental pollutants; Risk assessment from environmental pollutant exposure; Predictions of health hazards from environmental pollutant exposure; Food safety; Environmental safety; Risk management
Course Goals
The course aims to provide a comprehensive knowledge and practice of health risk assessment from exposure to environmental pollutants which leads to appropriate measures for managing the exposure to environmental pollutants.
Course Objectives
Students in the Doctor of Philosophy (Tropical Medicine) program, major track of environmental health and toxicology will be expected to demonstrate competence in the following areas after completion of this course
2.1.1 Comprehensive knowledge on principles, steps, methodology for conducting health risk assessment
2.1.2 Apply advanced risk assessment model to quantify the potential adverse effects from exposure to environmental pollutants
2.1.3 Practice to develop appropriate plan for risk management and communication
Course-level Learning Outcomes: CLOs
At the end of the course, the students should be able to
CLO1: Demonstrate professional knowledge on principle of health risk assessment
CLO2: Design the study on health risk assessment to quantify the potential risk from exposure to environmental pollutants using advanced and updated methodology
CLO3: Develop risk communication messages based on the results of risk assessment and risk management strategies