Dear Ajan Patchara,
These are conclusions regarding the plan and actions to support and react to the case scenario from five of us (Vanheuang, Rattanalak, Tipawan, Oranit, and Panachaya).
1. For routine work in vector surveillance of malaria, the objective is for planning the surveillance of vectors, monitoring, and planning control programs for early warning of disease outbreaks in a specific area, and for evaluating the effect of vector control.
The plan for routine work in vector surveillance includes objective, planning, method, analysis, conclusion, and interpretation of the result.
• Objective setting: Set the objectives of the vector surveillance based on the study such as identifying the transmission pattern, investigating the habits and habitats of the local vector species, to monitor the seasonality and abundance of the vector population in terms of early warning of malaria outbreak and also to plan for a vector control program (select the appropriate method with appropriate time and place).
• Planning: After we understand the objectives, we should consider the study design. Such as type of study, design method, and techniques that will use for collecting the samples and laboratory investigation.
• Method:
– Data collecting: preparing for data collecting and data recording such as the form that will use to record and preserve the sample inappropriate way for further investigation based on the purpose of the study
– Analysis: analysis of the data from lab results using Microsoft Excel and analyze in terms of graphs and tables. Then, conclude the result and report the result of the surveillance by using the description of the study, worksheet report, discussion, comment, interpretation, and conclusion.
2. For the scenario of Malaria outbreak on the Thai-Myanmar border in Tak province,
• Objectives:
– To identify the causes of malaria infection on the Thai-Myanmar border in Tak province
– To identify the species of mosquito vector responsible for malaria transmission in this area
– To eliminate or control malarial vectors on the Thai-Myanmar border in Tak province
– To evaluate the efficacy of the vector control program
• Planning:
– Select the appropriate study design: A cross-sectional study identifying the prevalence of malaria in vectors and patients in this area.
– Select the appropriate sampling techniques: systematic sampling method to collect the sample to get representative of sample in that area and we need to know the sample size and sampling interval.
– Select the appropriate technique for laboratory investigation
– Planning for the timeline of the project to set a schedule for sample collecting, laboratory investigation, and data analysis
• Program activities: In Determining what to do each day, we should know the timing and the manpower beforehand to separate the tasks responsibilities.
• Methods: Methods used to collect data or collect samples. which should have a form to record information The equipment used to collect samples corresponds to the survey area including methods for preserving samples for experimentation or inspection and technique that will use in laboratory investigation.
In this case, for the adult stage of Anopheles mosquito collection, the trapping method should be used such as the BG trapping or light trapping. After mosquito collection, we preserve the sample inappropriate ways such as preserving it in silica bead, putting it in the primary and secondary containers with ice-pack, and labeling. Then transport to the laboratory for study purposes. After that, the identification of mosquito species will be performed in the next step using morphology identification and molecular techniques.
• Analysis: Gathering the collected data and generating the data in terms of graphs with the programs such as Microsoft Excel. Some data should be calculated according to the formula before concluding. After analyzing concluding should be done.
• Reports: Reports the investigation result which includes the methods and techniques used, and states the conclusion and results of this program. Discuss the results whether meet the objectives or not. Then, discuss the success and failure or advantages and limitations of this program. The methods to deal with those mistakes. As well as, how to bring this information to apply in the new vector control program. Finally, show the trend of further developing research.
So, we can see the problem and suggest to villagers to know and waring about the disease outbreak in this area and suggest how to prevent and control the malaria outbreak in the Thai-Myanmar border of Tak province.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Vanheuang, Rattanalak, Tipawan, Oranit and Panachaya