RATTANALAK JITTUNGDEE replied to the topic TMEN 516 Epidemiology of vector and control in the forum TMEN 516 Advanced Methods in Medical Entomology 2 years, 8 months ago
Rattanalak Jittungdee
6438165Epidemiology is the study of how often diseases occur in different groups of people and why. Epidemiological information is used to plan and evaluate strategies to prevent illness and as a guide to the management of patients in whom the disease has already developed. The study of the outbreak can also help in…[Read more]
RATTANALAK JITTUNGDEE replied to the topic Assignment- blood and age determination in the forum TMEN 508: PRACTICAL ENTOMOLOGY (2021) 2 years, 9 months ago
Rattanalak Jittungdee
student ID : 64381651. Describe in the group discussion; character, shape, how to collect.
1.1 Character of ovary dissection from the mosquitoes
– Parous ovary: the tracheoles are released because the mosquitoes that have been taking a blood meal and oviposited before.
– Nulliparous ovary: can see the many coiled…[
RATTANALAK JITTUNGDEE replied to the topic A guide for collecting, preserving and handling insects in the forum TMID 516: Practical Parasitology 2 years, 9 months ago
Dear Ajan Patchara,
These are conclusions regarding the plan and actions to support and react to the case scenario from five of us (Vanheuang, Rattanalak, Tipawan, Oranit, and Panachaya).
1. For routine work in vector surveillance of malaria, the objective is for planning the surveillance of vectors, monitoring, and planning control…[Read more]
RATTANALAK JITTUNGDEE replied to the topic A guide for collecting, preserving and handling insects in the forum TMID 516: Practical Parasitology 2 years, 10 months ago
Rattanalak Jittungdee 6438165
1.Routine work of vector surveillance for malaria
I agree with Mr.Vanheuang’s opinion in Item 1 that surveys should be designed to collect data, for example, if we want to collect data on adult mosquitoes or larvae. We should choose that Anopheles spp. that are the main vectors for malaria. The life…[Read more] -
RATTANALAK JITTUNGDEE replied to the topic Cockroaches and bugs_Lab in the forum TMEN 513: Medical Entomology 3 years ago
TMEN513 Lab exam: Cockroaches and bugs
Name: Rattanalak Jittungdee ID:6438165Question1: Please describe how you identify the cockroaches (selecting at least two species)
1.Periplaneta americana (American cockroaches): is the largest of the house-infesting roaches and a major pest in the United States. we can identify by;
– Color:…[
RATTANALAK JITTUNGDEE replied to the topic Ticks and mites_Lab in the forum TMEN 513: Medical Entomology 3 years ago
TMEN513 lab exam Tick and mites
Student name: Rattanalak Jittungdee ID: 6438165Question 1: What is the respiratory organ of the suborder Astigmata? How do they breathe?
Answers: The suborder Astigmata are non-existent in the external openings; in the Astigmata gas exchange is through the integument.Question 2: What is the difference between…[Read more]