Course Description
This subject provides the knowledge about AIDS in all aspects including epidemiology, virology and immunology, immunopathogenesis, host immune response to HIV virus, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, treatment, prophylaxis and prevention especially AIDS vaccines, psychosocial impacts, and HIV counseling.
Course Goals
The course provides knowledge on AIDS at various aspects with the goals for students to be able to apply the knowledge to manage HIV infection and AIDS covering diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. Beyond that, the students should be able to initiate a clinical research on HIV/AIDS in the future.
Course Objectives
1) Discuss on the epidemiology of AIDS and the global impact
2) Discuss on the diagnosis and staging of AIDS including common opportunistic infection
3) Discuss and advise on the HIV prevention method
4) Use medical knowledge and statistics to criticize the clinical research of HIV infection and AIDS
5) Initiate the plan for the clinical research about HIV infection and AIDS
Course-level Learning Outcomes: CLOs
At the end of the course, the students should be able to
CLO1: Able to apply knowledge of HIV/AIDS on management and prevention
CLO2: Apply the knowledge to criticize the clinical research of HIV infection and AIDS
CLO3: Initiate the plan for the clinical research about HIV infection and AIDS