Course Description
Sample collection, preservation, transportation; Parasite identification; Intermediate hosts; Arthropod vectors; Diagnostic techniques
Course Goal
The subject consists of lectures and practices on the techniques used in parasitology and entomology which include collecting, preserving, transporting and identifying the parasites, their intermediate hosts and arthropod vectors. It is emphasized both in laboratory and field practices.
Course Objectives
After the course, students must be able to
- Describe the proper methods of collection of samples for recovery of parasites, their intermediate hosts and vectors.
- Select the appropriate techniques used in parasitology and entomology for diagnosis and identification of parasites and vectors.
- Explain procedure for the identification of parasites.
- Correctly identify parasites, intermediate hosts and vectors from specimens.
- Recognize the important of practical techniques used in medical parasitology and entomology and apply the knowledge in both laboratory and field settings.
Course-level Learning Outcomes: CLOs
At the end of the course, the students should be able to
CLO1: Describe principle and procedures for preparation, collection and identification of parasites, hosts and vectors
CLO2: Select techniques for preparation, collection and identification of parasites and vectors
CLO3: Help teamwork to complete assignment as leader and follower
CLO4: Demonstrate moral and ethical manners during laboratory practice