Course Description
Biological characteristics of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi; Classification, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the microbial diseases
Course goals
The course aims to provide the fundamental knowledge in microbiology i.e. the characteristic of bacteria, viruses and fungi that caused disease in human. Pathogenic mechanism of each organism and the symptom of each disease. The transmission and treatment of each disease are described.
Graduates from the program will have the basic knowledge to create and conduct research in microbiology field. They should have the positive attitudes with lifelong learning in microbiology field and also fulfill the demand of MU graduation and further national and international collaboration.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, learners will gain fundamental knowledge in medical microbiology concerning the characteristic of microorganisms that cause diseases in human, i.e. bacteria, viruses and fungi, classification of the microorganisms, symptoms of the diseases caused by the organisms, transmission, prevention and treatment of diseases, pathogenesis and drug resistant mechanisms, and laboratory techniques for identification and classification of the microorganisms.
Course-level Learning Outcomes: CLOs
CLO1: Describe the fundamental knowledge in medical microbiology concerning the characteristic of microorganisms that cause diseases in human, i.e. bacteria, viruses and fungi, classification of the microorganisms, symptoms of the diseases caused by the organisms, transmission, prevention and treatment of diseases, pathogenesis and drug resistant mechanisms, and laboratory techniques for identification and classification of the microorganisms