Course Description
Case studies related to environmental health and toxicological problems
Course Goals
The course aim to encourage the students to use integrative knowledge for present the information related to environmental health and toxicology. The student will be able to perform critical review of the topic in environmental health and toxicology
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, the students will be able to,
(1) Perform critical review of the topic in environmental health and toxicology with responsibility in moral and ethical manner.
(2) Analyze the integrative knowledge related to environmental health problems
(3) Present the information related to environmental health
Course-level Learning Outcomes: CLOs
At the end of the course, the students should be able to
CLO1: Complete the assignment with responsibility and comply with research ethical manner
CLO2: Analyze the integrative knowledge related to environmental health problems
CLO3: Present the information related to environmental health