Course Description
Seminars on the school health policy; the environment, diseases concerning nutritions, school health plans and development
Course Goals
The program prepares high- quality researchers and educationists who are equipped with multidisciplinary knowledge and professional skills in School health. The nature of model citizens in analytical and collaborative skills in problem solving of School health with achievement motivation, moral and ethical manners.
Course Objectives
1. Deal consistently and sensitively with ethical issues in academic contexts.
2. Practice finding relevant material on the internet and incorporate them in the course.
3. Criticize important message, weakness and publication related to school health.
4. Help each others to complete assaignments
Course-level Learning Outcomes: CLOs
At the end of the course, the students should be able to
CLO1: Apply knowledge and skills of information technology in literature searching in school health-based research (PLO5)
CLO2: Interpret the literature involving school-health-based research (PLO2, PLO3)
CLO3: Demonstrate moral and ethical manner in knowledge acquisition and application (PLO1)