Hello everyone. I’m Tipawan Ammarit student ID: 6438166
1. Routine work of vector surveillance for malaria.
In this point, I’m disagree with my friends that they said we have to start with planning first. But I’m gonna start with the important part of this research is objectives setting.
– Objectives setting: In my opinion, we have to start with this process be cause we have to determine the limitation and what’s we gonna get from this work. Thus objectives for routine work of malaria vector surveillance are observe the species, density, quantity of vectors and moreover we can determine to collect the vector samples for further study.
– Planning: Next, we must plan everything including the vector species which have to focus on (in this case we focus on malaria vector like mosquitoes genus Anopheles), types of sampling (select the appropriate method for the study area such as random sampling, systematic sampling, and cluster sampling), types of mosquito survey (choose the appropriate one like preliminary surveys for basic and short-term surveys, regular observations for long-term surveys, spot checks for monitoring mosquito populations, and foci investigations for identify the best approaches to control), detailed schedule sampling program for each hour, list of equipments, Data sheet preparing (, list techniques which have to use (biting, resting, trapping, netting for adult collection or use aspirator, strainer for larvae collection or ovitrap, pipette for eggs collection).
– Record and preserving: after that we have to go to the field at the selected and interested areas thus run the schedule like we already planned then record every important data that we got on the prepared data sheet, moreover we’ll bring appropriate tools for Anopheles mosquito collection at several stage like adults, larvae, or eggs. The main thing is that preserving samples for bring back to the laboratory study, we must used the dry ice, silica bead, or RNA later to keep the DNA/RNA/protein maintainly.
– Analysis: afterwards bring the data to analysis process may be use MICROSOFT EXCEL and produce the graft or table for analyse and interpret easily. Finally, results must present to the other people, thus we must have communication skill to lead them understand our work easily and clearly.
2. There is the outbreak of malaria in Thai-Myanmar border in Tak province.
– Objectives:
- 1) Found out the mosquito species which is main vector for malaria disease to human that cause outbreak in Thai-Myanmar border, Tak province.
- 2) Found out the quantity and density of vector mosquitoes in outbreak areas.
- 3) Found out the control vector method for reduce spreading rate of malaria disease.
– Planning: We must start with collect related informations from the hospitals or health care centers for evaluate the situation of this outbreak (e.g. mapping, case reports). The most important we have to concern about harmful and danger of malaria disease in this area, we must prepare ourselves and tools before go to investigate in that high risk area. Next, we have to select appropriate sampling method match with study areas (in this case we can use random sampling for unbiased statistical properties), choose the types of mosquito survey (in this case it’s be preliminary surveys cause we have to solve the problem of malaria outbreak hastily for help people in high risk areas), then choose the stage of samples that we gonna get (for species identification we must collect adults, for quantity and density examination I choose to collect adults and larvae) and methodology (select to use light microscope to species identification, use trapping, netting, and dipping for adults and larvae collection), prepare data sheets and sampling program. And I’m agree with Rattanalak that told use technique capture-recapture to evaluate population of Anopheles mosquitoes this method it’s very great I think.
– Program activities: We have to program activities in everyday and per hour because if we don’t prepare, it’ll waste our time uselessly. Hence timetables for everyday are very useful. And for accurately collection and experiment we must select appropriate time period to do each activity for example collect adult stage at late evening (5 pm. to 9.30 pm.) is biting period of Anopheles mosquitoes.
– Method: We use mosquito traps with sweaty coats for induced adult mosquitoes with light and CO2. Then we use net and aspirator for collect adults which flying and resting near the human, moreover use colander (net-like) to dipping and collect larvae at breeding place near human houses daily. Next, we gonna record the data in data sheets completely. And species identification by using microscope at the field and record the number of mosquitoes that we got. then preserving the samples by using individual tube for whole body mosquito collection (maybe for entomological specimen center) or genetic material (DNA or RNA) extraction and stored on ice/dry ice for keep genetic materials to PCR technique in laboratory for high accuracy species identification and find the malaria parasite in the samples by molecular technique. Lastly, we gonna find method to control mosquito population by reduce the contact between mosquitoes and humans by using larvicides or larvae predators, indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated bed nets thus record the number of case reports at hospitals and health centers.
– Analysis: We bring the collected data to analyze with MICROSOFT EXCEL and produce to be compared graft or table and interpret results to easily understand to other people. Moreover, we have to consider about the limitation of this short-time survey, the results don’t completely done thus interpretation may be change if we study for long-time.
– Report: We have to describe the research introduction, methodology, results (show the reliably results), discussions, and conclusion at summary presentation by easily understand word. Finally, show the trend of further developing research.
Thank you very much.