TIPAWAN AMMARIT replied to the topic TMEN 516 Epidemiology of vector and control in the forum TMEN 516 Advanced Methods in Medical Entomology 2 years, 8 months ago
Hi there 🙂 I’m Tipawan Ammarit student ID: 6438166.
How does epidemiology of vectors improve vector control? (Give an example and discuss)Firstly, epidemiology is the study (scientific, systematic, and data-driven) of the distribution (frequency, pattern) and determinants (causes, risk factors) of health-related states and events (not just…[Read more]
TIPAWAN AMMARIT replied to the topic Assignment- blood and age determination in the forum TMEN 508: PRACTICAL ENTOMOLOGY (2021) 2 years, 9 months ago
Hi there~ I’m Tipawan ammarit, student ID 6438166.
First of all, I already sent mosquito ovary dissection that I dissected it by myself via mail.
1. So I’m gonna describe character, shape, how to collect of parous ovary.
– Character: Tracheoles in ovary were expanded longer than tracheoles of nulliparous ovary that tightly rolled called a ‘sk…[Read more] -
TIPAWAN AMMARIT replied to the topic Lab demonstration for collecting, preserving and handling insects in the forum TMID 516: Practical Parasitology 2 years, 10 months ago
Dear ajarn Thipruethai phanitchart
I would like to ask you, are you already got our email? because me and my friends already sent it to you (Tipawan, Rattanalak, Oranit, and Panatchaya)
At email: thipruethai.pha@mahidol.edu -
TIPAWAN AMMARIT replied to the topic A guide for collecting, preserving and handling insects in the forum TMID 516: Practical Parasitology 2 years, 10 months ago
Hello everyone. I’m Tipawan Ammarit student ID: 6438166
1. Routine work of vector surveillance for malaria.
In this point, I’m disagree with my friends that they said we have to start with planning first. But I’m gonna start with the important part of this research is objectives setting.
– Objectives setting: In my opinion, we have to start…[Read more] -
TIPAWAN AMMARIT replied to the topic Cockroaches and bugs_Lab in the forum TMEN 513: Medical Entomology 3 years ago
TMEN513 Lab exam: Cockroaches and bugs
Tipawan Ammarit ID:6438166
Question1: Please describe how you identify the cockroaches (selecting at least two species)
Answers: We can use morphological characteristics to identify the cockroaches. Firstly, I want to describe the morphology of adult cockroaches first. Start with cockroaches are flatted ins…[Read more]
TIPAWAN AMMARIT replied to the topic Ticks and mites_Lab in the forum TMEN 513: Medical Entomology 3 years ago
TMID513 lab exam Tick and mites
Student name: Tipawan Ammarit ID:6438166Question 1: What is the respiratory organ of the suborder Astigmata? How do they breathe?
Answer: The suborder Astigmata or in common name is astigmatid mites, as suggested by the name, are characterized by a lack of stigmata. Because they are no stigmata thus they used…[Read more]