Hi there~ I’m Tipawan ammarit, student ID 6438166.
First of all, I already sent mosquito ovary dissection that I dissected it by myself via mail.
1. So I’m gonna describe character, shape, how to collect of parous ovary.
– Character: Tracheoles in ovary were expanded longer than tracheoles of nulliparous ovary that tightly rolled called a ‘skein’shown inside the ovaries.
– Shape: Parous and nulliparous ovaries have 2 sides oval-shaped ovaries at abdomen segments number 7 and 8.
– How to collect: used ether to temporarily sleep mosquitoes. Thus pick one and put down under stereomicroscope then put the legs and wing out by micro forceps for easily dissection. After that, arranged the mosquito head to your inconvenient-hand side and used that hand to hold minus needle to softly fix at thorax part for stay still for while then used another another hand to hold another minus needle to softly press and pull at abdomen segment number 7 out and then you will see 2 loops of oval-shaped ovaries as shown in my picture. Then if you want to see more details about tracheoles inside ovaries for determine age of mosquitoes, you must separated only mosquito ovaries and put on the glass slide, let’s them dry, and look under stereoscope.
2. How important of blood determination and mosquito parity rate?
– these 2 methods are important to surveillance and monitoring of vector’s capable ability such as can show about the proportion between anthropophilic and zoophic patterns for classify the main host of mosquitoes, and for voctor control.
– Methods of determination: can used various methods such as precipitin test (antigen bind with antibody, less specificity), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA, more specificity), multiplex PCR/DNA barcode, microsatellites, and mass spectrometry to determine blood in mosquito. Moreover, used the the presence and absence of tracheolar skeins at ovaries of female mosquitoes dissection to study of parity rate.
– Application of these 2 parameters: for mosquito parity rate used dissection method for counting the number of ovarioles to determine the age structure of the population (can predict opportunity to spread the vector borne disease means vector capacity). Next, for blood determination used to identify pathogens in blood meals from mosquito bitting to monitoring the vector capacity.
Thank you very much.