PANATCHAYA SOMAREE replied to the topic A guide for collecting, preserving and handling insects in the forum TMID 516: Practical Parasitology 2 years, 11 months ago
Hello everyone, It’s me Panatchaya Somaree Student ID 6438168.
1. I will begin my discussion with the routine work of vector surveillance for malaria.
First of all, I agree with one of my friend’s point that in order to do vector surveillance, you need to understand the objectives beforehand. The objectives indicate the scope of work and…[Read more] -
PANATCHAYA SOMAREE replied to the topic Ticks and mites_Lab in the forum TMEN 513: Medical Entomology 3 years, 1 month ago
TMEN513 Lab Exam: Ticks and Mites
Panatchaya Somaree ID:6438168Question 1: What is the respiratory organ of the suborder Astigmata? How do they breathe?
Answer: The suborder Astigmata have no respiration opening (stigmata), therefore they have to breath through their cuticle or their skin.Question 2: What is the difference between hard ticks…[Read more]
PANATCHAYA SOMAREE replied to the topic Cockroaches and bugs_Lab in the forum TMEN 513: Medical Entomology 3 years, 1 month ago
TMEN513 Lab Exam: Cockroaches and Bugs
Panatchaya Somaree ID:6438168Question1: Please describe how you identify the cockroaches (selecting at least two species)
Answer: In order to identify or distinguish the cockroaches, the “morphology” is what needed, whether looking at the size, the present of some organs, or the characteristic of the organs…[Read more]