Course Description
Field survey; laboratory colonization of insect vectors; Detection of pathogens in insect vectors, insect cell culture; Identification, isoenzyme, cytotaxonomy, molecular biology techniques; Insecticide suscepyibility test; Bioinsecticide
Course Goal
This course prepares high quality researchers and educationist who are equipped knowledge and professional skills in medical entomology. The course provides theory, knowledge and techniques in medical entomology study which students can apply them into research works. Students have opportunity to practice skills in medical entomology with ethic manners.
Course Objectives
1. Describetheory and techniques in medical entomology study
2. Select suitabletechniques in medical entomology study
3. Practice techniques in medical entomology study
Course-level Learning Outcomes:
CLOsAt the end of the course, the students should be able to
CLO1:Describetheory and techniques in medical entomology study
CLO2:Select suitabletechniques in medical entomology study
CLO3:Practice techniques in medical entomology study